Based in Belfast, part-time photographer working in B&W film, colour film and digital images.
Work undertaken: portraits, weddings, commissions, events and negative/photograph scanning. Up to A3 printing, B&W film development and my own enjoyment of just taking pictures. 
Primary films used: Ilford FP4+, Ilford HP5+, Fomapan 100 & 200, Kodak 5222, Kodak 2835 and Kodak 250D colour film.
35mm film cameras: a multitude of Agfa and Kodak antique cameras, Canon F1, Canon A1, Canon C300 & C500 (plastic fantastics) and Olympus OM2n. 
Medium format film cameras: Mamiya 645E and the be-all-and-end-all of medium-format film cameras, a Mamiya RB67. 
Digital Cameras: including Canon 70D.
All images are (C) Copyright Michael Burns 2023. No reproduction or use without permission, just ask!
Contact me for more info or prints:
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